A Pure Molecule
A Cleaner Future.

No Soups,
Just Pure Molecules
VIA specializes in producing a synthetic aromatic, 3-Methylanisole (3-MA) using proprietary yeast strains capable of producing a scalable, bio-organism sourced aromatic. 3-MA volatilizes during fermentation, enabling capture at high purities. This technology enables a faster, less disruptive transition to liquid biofuels. Utilizing a proprietary, engineered S. cerevisiae yeast strain, feedstocks such as starch, sugar and cellulosic sugars are efficiently converted into this valuable aromatic.
Capable of Utilizing a Wide Array of 1G and 2G Feedstock without Impacting the Purity of Production.
3-MA is a highly hydrophobic molecule. This hydrophobicity causes
the 3-MA molecules to volatilize from the broth during the fermentation process.

3-MA volatilization from the fermentation broth is a unique characteristic to past biofuels and biochemical production technologies
- 3-MA is produced one molecule at a time by VIA’s yeast
- 3-MA is hydrophobic and is driven out of the water-based broth
- Volatilization eliminates toxicity effects
- Volatilization eliminates downstream processing & separation requirements and issues
Volatilization allows 3-MA to be produced in a “continuous fermentation” process. “Capturing” volatilized 3-MA results in a high purity product and eliminates the energy intensive downstream distillation steps required for Ethanol manufacture. Continuous fermentation and capture build a very strong business case for the widespread commercialization of aromatic 3-MA.